
SearchPrint Adding additional pre filter to stock fuel system 99-03 SD F250/F350 7.3L PowerStroke

Adding additional pre filter to stock fuel system 99-03 SD F250/F350 7.3L PowerStroke
Date Added: 10/27/2017
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Viewed: 1445 times

I am intending on doing a full fuel bowl delete and regulated return, however not everyone wants to do all that or do it all at once, so either way here is how you can add a pre filter to your fuel system between the fuel tank and the stock fuel pump.

Parts list:
About 10' of low pressure 3/8" fuel hose.  $20
1 Filter base and fuel filter, I went with a NAPA base and a Donaldson filter  $40
2x 1/2" NPT to 3/8" barb fittings  $10
4x hose clamps (I recommend the fuel injection clamps)  $5

All together this mod is around the $75 range, I had the filter base on hand as well as a fittings.

First you will need to lower your fuel tank so support it with a jack, you will need to remove 2x 13mm bolts holding the tank strap to the bed which are between the tank and drive shaft (watch yer head). 
Either remove and clean the fuel tank like anyone with some good sense would or be lazy like myself and just opt to disconnect the fuel line by un clipping the safety clip and using a fuel line/ac disconnect tool to disconnect the fuel like from the sending unit.
Now you will need to decide where you want your pre filter to go, I chose a spot on the cross member with the carrier bearings and used a piece of 90degree angle iron as a bracket to mount the filter base to the cross member.
Next connect your 3/8" fuel line to the barb on the sending unit, clamp it down with a hose clamp and route it to your filter base.
Install the barb fittings on the filter base and connect hose from tank to input and install a hose clamp.
Next connect the other piece of hose to the output barb and install a hose clamp.
Remove the quick disconnect tab on the line on the rear of the fuel pump and disconnect the fuel line.
Connect your remaining end of the 3/8" fuel line up to the fuel pump and install hose clamp and BAM you are done and regardless if you keep the fuel bowl or not now your fuel has filtration before it makes it to the fuel pump.

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